Are you ready for life after sports?

Your Victory Lap Starts Here

The same drive and determination that led you to victory in your sport can propel you to even greater heights after. 

Your journey after the final whistle is just as significant as the victories you achieved before. At Succession Strength, we're not just preparing athletes for life after sports; we're shaping your victory lap towards unparalleled success. It's time to take control of your destiny with our tailored assessments and personalized advisory support.


Why Choose Us?

Tailored Assessments: Dive deep into your skills, passions, and aspirations with our comprehensive assessments. Uncover the strengths that propelled you to success in sports and learn how to leverage them for triumphs in your post-athlete life.

Personalized Advisory: Transitioning to life after sports is more than just a change of routine – it's a transformation of identity. We work closely with you to craft a personalized roadmap, ensuring a seamless transition. Whether it's pursuing a new career, starting a business, or higher education, we've got you covered.

Identify True Passions: Break free from external expectations. We guide you in discovering your authentic passions, laying the foundation for a career plan that resonates with who you truly are.

Bridge the Identity Gap: Your success on the field is just one chapter. Our program empowers you to redefine yourself, embrace your passions, and build a lasting legacy that extends far beyond the world of sports.

Restructure Time: Time management transcends sports. Learn to channel your discipline and dedication into structuring your days for optimal productivity, balance, and well-being.

The Process

Prefer immediate results? Take our Transition Readiness assessment for an immediate view on areas that need focus and receive recommendations to take action. Start your assessment now. Start assessment

Ready to Talk? The advisory option includes an initial intake conversation and a select number of follow-up sessions. Get personalized advisory support tailored to your unique journey. Get advisory support.


Ready to thrive post-play?

Embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and transformation. Your legacy is waiting to be written, and we’re your partner every step of the way.


Your Victory Lap Awaits. Start Your Journey Today.



I took the assessment, looked at mean I think there's obviously value in the information that you guys are collecting. For sure. I could see how having an aggregate report that shows deficiencies in areas for improvement and focus areas for could be beneficial. I thought the areas that it covered made sense. I've done some research in the area. So I understand the pieces that you guys are trying to get at from a developmental perspective. And so, again, I think that there's a lot of value in what you guys are providing. I think it's great. I think it's not about whether it's needed. It definitely is. Shawn T. Super Bowl winning NFL Manager

Succession Strength provided me with the guidance and support I needed to dive headfirst into a new career after retiring from swimming. Their assessment helped me discover my strengths beyond the pool, and their advisors gave me the confidence to pursue a fulfilling life outside of sports. Jessica M. - Former National Team Swimmer

I thought my identity was solely wrapped up in tennis, but Rochelle helped me uncover my passion for mentoring young athletes. Their program taught me how to balance my time and build a new purpose-driven life. Sarah B. - Former Pro Tennis Player

This wasn't just a program; it was a lifeline as I transitioned to academia. Their tailored guidance showed me how my athletic dedication translated into academic excellence, and today, I'm pursuing my Ph.D. with unwavering confidence. Lisa S., Former Track and Field Champion

I have to say that just the assessment and the results were really easy to digest. You kind of looked through them and there really wasn't a ton of questions. I actually love the fact on the back end where it doesn't only show you, like, here's where you are in comparison to the average, but it also gives you steps in the areas, particularly in the areas that may be a little bit lower as opposed to average. That's really key for a lot of folks that are transitioning. It's like, what are those next steps that I need to take to increase in those areas that I may not be average or above to take my career to that next level as I transition. Jon E., Former MLB player


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Succession Strength is a global advisory firm that provides transition planning for individuals, companies and organizations.

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