Why Outgoing Leaders have a Hard Time Leaving their Company

Why Outgoing Leaders have a Hard Time Leaving

Outgoing leaders often have a hard time leaving their companies due to a combination of emotional and practical factors.

On the emotional side, outgoing leaders have likely invested a significant amount of time, effort, and passion into building their business.

  • The company may be seen as an extension of themselves, and leaving it behind can feel like losing a part of their identity.

  • Additionally, Outgoing leaders may feel a sense of responsibility to their employees and may worry about the impact of their departure on the company's culture and future success.

On the practical side, outgoing leaders may also struggle with the logistics of transitioning their responsibilities and finding a suitable successor.

  • Finding the right person to take over their role can be a time-consuming and difficult process, and the outgoing leader may worry about the impact of the transition on the company's operations and financial performance.

  • There may also be concerns about maintaining the company's reputation and legacy after the retiring leader's departure.

As advisors, we understand the unique challenges that outgoing leaders face when it comes to leaving their companies. Our team provides guidance and support throughout the succession planning process, helping outgoing leaders to identify and groom potential successors, create a clear and transparent transition plan, and navigate the emotional and practical challenges of leaving their company behind.

With our assistance, outgoing leaders can ensure a smooth and successful transition of leadership, enabling their company to continue thriving long after their departure.

Transitions can be complicated. If you need guidance to make the right decision get in touch.


Succession Strength provides strategic succession and exit planning guidance to individuals, companies and organizations preparing for a leadership transition via exit or sale.


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